San Andreas Pope St. & Safe Routes Gap Fill Plan

View the Final San Andreas Pope St. & Safe Routes to School Gap Fill Plan

Project website:


This project is partially funded through a Caltrans Transportation Planning Grant. The project includes development of an infrastructure plan for a bicycle and pedestrian facility along Pope Street and Lewis Avenue in San Andreas, completion of a Class I facility (multi-use path) connecting to the County Government Center campus, as well as improvements needed for a safe connection to the San Andreas Elementary School from SR 49. This will be a partnership with the School and County and include additional areas the school may be concerned with in terms of safe bicycle and pedestrian access. The multi-modal facility along Pope Street has been in long-range plans for many years; however, limited outreach has been done specific to that pathway with the property owners and community. This will allow the County to seek infrastructure grants in the future for these improvements. The project will seek to build upon previous planning efforts and work with the community, stakeholders, and property owners to foster consensus and support.

The CCOG released a Request for Proposals on December 4, 2018 for consultant services. At the March 6th CCOG Board meeting a contract was awarded to Green DOT Transportation Solutions.